Noun Agreement and Articles

Noun agreement and articles are essential components of effective writing. Nouns are words that name people, animals, places, things, and ideas. Agreement refers to ensuring that the noun agrees with other words in the sentence, such as verbs, adjectives, and pronouns. Articles are small words that come before nouns and indicate whether the noun is specific or general.

The use of proper noun agreement and articles enhances the clarity and readability of writing, making it easier for readers to understand the text. In this article, we will discuss the basics of noun agreement and articles.

Noun Agreement

Noun agreement involves ensuring that the noun is in line with other words in the sentence. This means that the noun should agree with the verb in terms of number. For instance, if the subject of the sentence is singular, the verb should also be singular. Likewise, if the subject is plural, the verb should match in number.

For example, in the sentence “The cat chases the mouse,” the subject “cat” is singular, and the verb “chases” is singular. In this sentence, the noun and verb are in agreement. However, if the sentence is “The cats chase the mice,” the subject “cats” is plural, and the verb “chase” is also plural.

Noun agreement also applies to adjectives that describe the noun. Adjectives should agree in gender and number with the noun they modify. For example, in the sentence “The big dog barks loudly,” the adjective “big” agrees with the singular noun “dog” in both number and gender.


Articles are words that come before nouns and indicate whether the noun is specific or general. There are two types of articles: definite and indefinite articles.

Definite articles refer to a particular thing or person that the writer and reader both know or can identify. There is only one definite article “the,” which can be used with singular and plural nouns.

Indefinite articles refer to general or unspecific people, things, or ideas. There are two indefinite articles: “a” and “an,” which are used with singular nouns.

For example, in the sentence “I saw a cat in the garden,” the indefinite article “a” refers to any cat, not a specific one. In contrast, in the sentence “I saw the cat in the garden,” the definite article “the” refers to a specific cat that the writer and reader both know.


Noun agreement and articles are essential elements of effective writing. They ensure that the noun agrees with other words in the sentence, making the text more readable and understandable. They also help the writer to convey their intended meaning accurately.

As a copy editor, it is crucial to ensure that noun agreement and articles are used correctly in the text. By doing so, you can enhance the clarity and quality of your writing, making it more effective at communicating your message to the reader.